The vindictive jungle in the heart of Los Alcázares

Mario's Company returns to make magic with an appeal to human conscience on this planet.
In Inmoalcazares we have the pleasure of meeting and having counted on several occasions with the artist Goyo who embodies reality in walls, regardless of their size.
This wild mural is located at the intersection of Avenida de la Libertad and October 13, after viewing it you will not be indifferent under the gaze of the lion, the elephant, the koala, the orangutan, the indigenous person and the lemur.
The artists have reproduced the scene that went viral in 2018 of the Bornean Orangutan in Indonesia when he faced a bulldozer that destroyed his natural habitat, no matter what, he only defended his home.
We leave this precious verse by the poet María Juan Martínez, who also participated in the mural and which can be read under the flight of two golden eagles:
"I am wild and your hands of injustice are my cage",